Dear Betty: A girl I’ve been dating for over a month went from chatting/texting with me a couple times a week to completely ghosting me. I thought things were going well, but she hasn’t called or texted me in about two weeks, then out of nowhere she asks if I want to meet up for [read more]
Get your dating questions answered by expert dating coach Betty Russell, BCC.
Below are Betty's answers to questions asked by clients and site visitors. If you have a question of your own, send Betty a message!
Question: Can you advise me how to proceed on a third date with a girl that makes me butterfly nervous?
Dear Betty, I am at the very beginning of a new relationship and need advice. Here are the details:I’m 48 and she is 47. We both have kids – I have a son in college and she has two teenage sons. We used to work together and have known each other for five years. We [read more]
Question: Should I try to get my girlfriend back?
Dear Betty, My girlfriend Nelly broke up with me last week. She said it was because she knew that our relationship had an expiration date—we are both going to be going off to grad school in the next 18 months and had already talked about how we probably wouldn’t do long distance. I was still [read more]
Question: How can I end this streak of attracting narcissistic partners?
I’m very introverted by nature and not very good at reading people. In relationships I tend not to feel the need to lead hence I think I tend to attract narcissistic men. Needless to say my relationships all end very badly and dramatically because it takes time for me to figure the other person out. [read more]
Question: I am in a very brand new relationship with someone whose politics are very different from mine. Is this a stumbling block?
Betty, I am in a very brand new relationship with someone whose politics are very different from mine. Almost all my friends and close family align with my political principles and the fact that Sam and I do not line up is hard for me. He is wonderful in all other ways. Thoughtful and kind, [read more]
Question: I am in love with someone who considers me only a friend. What should I do?
I am in love with someone who considers me only a friend. In fact, Deirdre and I are very close as friends, and she knows how I feel. She has romantic relationships with men but I can’t seem to feel anything for another woman because of how I feel for her. What should I do? [read more]
Question: Why can’t I just walk away like I have in other relationships?
I have been in a relationship for six years. No matter how many times he lies and leaves me for other women I continue to see him and always take him back. We are great when we are together but even though I know he will cheat again, I still want him. So I let [read more]
Question: My boyfriend never remembers the little things about me.
He can’t remember that I hate straws (he always puts one in my drinks), that I get headaches when the fluorescent overhead lights are on (he turns them on the minute he enters the room), or that I am lactose intolerant (he serves me lasagna or mac and cheese when I go over–it’s all he [read more]