Dear Betty, Why is always so hard for me to say ‘no’ to people? Some people find it easy to say no. For so many, saying no is painful, challenging, HARD! Why you ask? There are numerous possible answers to that question. Does one of these fit your profile? Are you a people pleaser? Many people [read more]
Balance of Power vs. Control – How to Share Power in a Relationship
“I’m not the one who’s a control freak,” squawked my friend Allison. She was calling for a debriefing about a month into a new relationship. She wouldn’t let any of her friends wear white after Labor Day, but she said that compared to Patrick, she’s the definition of mellow. Apparently Patrick used a powerfully shriveling [read more]
Reaching Accord: How the Power Struggle Stage Can Create Relationship Growth
A few weeks ago, I got a call from Eric. He needed coaching, he said, because his perfect relationship was suddenly not-so-perfect, and he did not have a clue what was going on. He was grieving for what he saw as the loss of his ideal relationship. He told me: “Gillian and I fell passionately [read more]