Dear Betty,
I feel that the person I am dating is gaslighting me. How can I know?
Dating can be a thrilling experience, full of joy, excitement and the possibility of finding someone special. It’s a chance to discover that person you can share a connection with and build a meaningful relationship with. However, it can also be difficult, tricky, and extremely difficult to detect when something is wrong in a relationship.
Gaslighting in dating can be hard to recognize and is a form of emotional abuse. If you’re feeling confused, frustrated, and like you’re constantly walking on eggshells, it’s important to take a step back, pay attention to their behavior and assess the situation. Gaslighting in relationships can take many forms, such as undermining a partner’s opinion or memories, always blaming the other person for any issues, or making them feel like they are crazy or stupid. It can also involve withholding affection, or making the other person feel like they’re not enough. All these tactics are designed to make the other person feel like they can’t trust their own thoughts and feelings.
Gaslighting in dating is not okay. If you are in a relationship and you are feeling like you are being gaslit, reach out to a dating coach, trusted friend, or family member for help. They can help you make sense of what is going on and provide support. It is also important to remember that you are not alone and that you deserve to be treated with respect and love in any relationship.
As a Board Certified Life Coach specializing in Dating and Relationships, please feel free to contact me and schedule a complimentary call and we can talk about this further.