“Nothing in this world is harder than speaking the truth, nothing easier than flattery,” Fyodor Dostoyevsky, a Russian novelist, once said. And so, this is how millions of people feel and behave every single day. It’s hard to speak our truth or to reveal our true feelings to someone, especially when we have an unnerving [read more]
Online Dating Tips and How-To's from Expert Dating Coach Betty Russell, BCC
Innovative and Fun Ways to Date During COVID-19
Without a doubt, the COVID-19 pandemic has taken over the year 2020 thus far, causing extraordinary consequences. Individuals, businesses, and establishments worldwide are facing financial, physical, mental and emotional distress, and it’s also no secret that COVID-19 has made a big impact on the world of dating, sex and relationships. Luckily, we have the advancement [read more]
Is Online Dating Your New Career?
In movie after movie we see characters who seem to make dating their career. Male or female – they never “find the one” (well, at least until they meet the other star of the movie!) and instead move from one conquest or short term relationship to another. Though you may have met people like that, [read more]
UGH! When You Want the First Date to be the Last Date!
So you’ve chatted and texted and emailed for a while and you finally agree to a date. You go to a nice restaurant and the conversation is pleasant, but there just isn’t that spark in person, or frankly he/she is just wrong for you on many levels! How do you avoid a second date? How [read more]
OMG it’s the first date! What do I do now?
For a successful first date, try these basic Don’ts and Do’s and see where it goes: DON’T show up late. Don’t leave your date sitting in a restaurant wondering if they are about to end up feeling foolish about a no-show. DO get there on time. It’s a matter of respect for your date. Sure [read more]
As you swipe right, are you open to love?
George Sand, the French novelist, once wrote: “There is only one happiness in life—to love and be loved.” For people, like Sand, who are open to love…there is nothing else like it! Deep down, does ANYONE not want love? Silly question, right? But there are those who claim to want love, but whose actions and [read more]
Identify Your Core Values BEFORE You Start Dating Online
Core values can be discovered from life events! When do you feel disappointed, frustrated, uneasy, or upset with someone you are dating? This can be an indicator what your core values are. Consider Melanie, who realized that her desire for security and stability where most important to her. She connected with Laura who was all [read more]
For a Successful Connection Make Sure You Share Core Values
Core values – what are they? They are not who you vote for, what car you drive, how much money you make, what restaurants you like, or what movies you prefer. Core values are not what you do, they are who you are. Core values are very deeply rooted and determine many of the choices [read more]