Why should you hire a dating coach? After all, you’ve got tons of friends that can help you out! Right. And what friends tell you is either influenced by their own fears and biases or is what they think you want to hear (“great profile” “love that smile”, “so cute holding your dog”). So your [read more]
Online Dating Tips and How-To's from Expert Dating Coach Betty Russell, BCC
Being Open to Love in an Online Dating World
Being open to love in an online dating world is as much about what is within you as it was before online dating! It is hard to expect and anticipate love from others-particularly from a stranger you meet online-if we can’t or don’t love ourselves. Sometimes we all project a “closed for business” vibe that [read more]
Exploring the Top 5 Online Dating Myths
The stories people tell have great power. Cultural myths are how we learn right from wrong, good from bad, and what behavior is acceptable. They teach us how to thrive, what to believe, and how to get along in our world. But sometimes myths are not based in truth or they have become obsolete. Here [read more]
3 Obstacles to Online Dating Success
Do you feel unlucky in your dating picks? Do the ones you think are going to be great always end up letting you down? Maybe that’s because your expectations are unrealistic and you have some influences about which you are unaware. Are you forming your serious online dating and relationship expectations without considering these influences? [read more]
Are You Ready to Begin Online Dating?
You are excited to sign up for a new service to try online dating…right? But are you really ready for a new relationship? Run through this to-do list to check your relationship readiness. If you are on board with most of this checklist, you are ready to go! Know what you want in a relationship. [read more]
The Dating Menu: Online, Matchmaking or the Old-fashioned Way?
There are many people out there in the world who are smart, interesting, put-together, single and available for a relationship. They know what they want and need in a relationship and have confidence and self-awareness. And yet they are single. Maybe you are one of these people. Their friends can’t figure out why. Heck, they [read more]
Going Offline to Get On Track
You have read an appealing profile on a dating site and you like the pictures. There was enough promise that you sent a message. After some interesting banter, you’ve set a meeting at a convenient location. So far, all your communication with this person has been online. Face to face is going to be different. [read more]
How to Interpret a Profile #3—The “Wish List”
The “what are you looking for in a relationship” part of any dating profile is a list of wishes, but the wishes need to be based in reality, not fantasy. Unfortunately, there are plenty of people out there who seem unclear about what a healthy relationship might look like. How to weed them out? Let [read more]