There are proposals… and there are proposals. Some show little effort and less thought (a Facebook status proposal comes to mind) and others are so flashy as to be more about the proposer than the proposee (like the ones at the ballpark on the Jumbo Tron™). Whereas there is no right or wrong way to propose, there is a continuum, of sorts, and you want to be at the “fun, romantic, sincere” end of that continuum, rather than the “self-centered, thoughtless, careless” end!
Adding whimsy, or adventure, or suspense to a proposal are all wonderful options depending on the people involved. Assuming you have already thought of the more obvious ideas (an island getaway or a romantic city—Paris comes to mind), here are a few non-traditional ideas for where to pop the question. Maybe one will catch your eye.
√ If you share a unique interest or hobby, make that the basis for your proposal. Whatever special connection you have, from hiking to wine tasting, think creatively.
o In a canoe or kayak, after navigating the rapids…. Just don’t drop the ring into the river.
o During intermission at the opera or theater. Order champagne at the bar.
o As you free-fall in a tandem parachute jump. Any exchange of jewelry should wait till you’re on the ground.
√ In a setting only you and your true love would understand:
o The place you first met (the subway station at 96th and Lexington, the CVS first aid aisle, or the rare book room at the library).
o Where you first made love (your childhood bedroom, backstage at the local community theater, or a hotel suite in Zurich).
o Be creative: the place your girl broke her ankle and you had to (romantically) carry her four blocks, out of the woods, or down the steps. Or maybe the same place where you suggested you move in together, or while “dining” at your shared guilty pleasure (Waffle House, Orange Julius, the hotdog stand on the corner).
√ There are always the traditional romantic ideas—a picnic, complete with champagne, by the river, or the best restaurant in town—but there might be less obvious romantic spots.
o In bed. Maybe wake him up in the middle of the night with a cold beer and a Dagwood sandwich and say, “Hey, I’ve been thinking….”
o At the drive-in, in the glow of the screen, during the previews. Pop the question, then pop the trunk (where you’ve stashed the bubbly), and then pop the cork.
o On a cliff. Looking for natural beauty? Yeah you can go to the beach or rent a paddle boat, but something dramatic is always good. (Don’t drop the ring.)
√ Holiday-themed settings can be fun, whether you are under the mistletoe or under the fireworks.
o Halloween: as you open the door for trick-or-treaters, you can “find” a diamond ring in the bowl of candy. “How did this get here?”
o Thanksgiving: instead of dozing in front of a football game, help clean up the kitchen and dramatically fall to one knee while wearing bright yellow rubber gloves.
o Easter: lots of fun ideas with rings, candy, and plastic Easter eggs….
The idea behind a marriage proposal is essentially this: you want there to be thought behind it. A casual, off-hand, “Hey, wanna get married?” can work just fine, but if you are reading this blog, you probably want to make a real impression. Think outside the box. Have fun. And don’t. Drop. The ring. 🙂