There are many possible break-up scenarios and a range of complex emotions that go along with any of them. Do any of the following sound familiar? Possible break-up scenarios: She dumped you. You ran for your life. You both agreed to move on. He disappeared. And so on. Or these possible post-break up feelings? Your [read more]
Too Many Yeses? It’s Time for No
Have you ever said yes but what you really wanted to say was no? How did that feel? Stuart’s ex called him weekly with one problem or another. The furnace was making a funny sound, the satellite TV stopped working, the window screens weren’t where they were supposed to be. He inevitably ended up back [read more]
Happily Ever After: Are Your Relationship Expectations Realistic?
Are you unlucky in love? Do your relationships never seem “good enough” to last? Do your partners invariably let you down? Maybe your expectations are unrealistic. Jeannie called me to set up an appointment two months after her last break-up. Though the wounds were still fresh, she was eager to get my help to, as [read more]