Question: What is the difference between physical intimacy and sex? Physical intimacy is much more than sex, though sex is one very important example of that form of closeness. When there is a physical connection between two people –we all know what that chemistry feels like, I hope – there is a whole range of [read more]
Part Two of a Great Relationship – Physical Intimacy
Intimacy is one of those concepts that has almost as many definitions as there are people to have opinions about it. Some people think “feelings” when they think about intimacy, and they find it easy to achieve emotional intimacy with others. They are not afraid of feeling vulnerable or else they enjoy the rewards of [read more]
Are You Emotionally Available?
If the thought has crossed your mind that you may be emotionally unavailable, or that you seem to continuously attract people who are, let’s take a look at how you are showing up and at steps you can take to re-build your emotional availability…or your understanding of what that looks like in your partner. What [read more]
Inspired Action for Deepening Your Relationship
True love was something Desmond and Sevilla never questioned. They had it. They had felt grateful and blessed for seven years since the day they met at a bicycle auction in upstate New York. They’d married at the top of a ski mountain the following winter where their wedding party skied or snowboarded down to [read more]
Dating, Sex, and How to Say No
When it comes to reasons people give for why they had sex early in a relationship even though they did not want to, I’ve heard things like the following way too many times: > “I didn’t want him to stop liking me.”> “I figured she’d think something was wrong with me.”> “I thought we were [read more]
Is Your Partner Cheating? 5 Ways You Can Tell
Norman knew his wife was not happy. They were in counseling, but he was worried that it was already too late. One day, a thought took root in his mind and he could not shake it: “She’s having an affair.” He started to look for specific proof but it was hard to pin down. But [read more]
Sex: What Time is the Right Time?
Sex. It’s awesome. They say it’s on our minds a LOT. In one way or another, whoever you are… you think about sex. And it’s only reasonable that when you are dating someone, or thinking about dating someone, you would be doing some extra wondering about sex. Mainly—when is the right time to “go all [read more]