While being in a happy and stable relationship with someone you love and or adore can be like living a dream, being a partner is not the only path to happiness. In fact, when you’re able to spend time alone, with yourself, magic happens. A kind of magic that allows you to be the best [read more]
Receive Graciously
“To graciously receive is an expression of the dignity of giving.” Deepak Chopra The spirit of Christmas—giving. Yet for us to give, someone must receive. The joy of giving depends on it. I was thinking about writing a blog this week for readers who find themselves not in a relationship right now. People who may [read more]
Shifting out of Loneliness: The Nuance of Solitude (Part II)
Human beings are social creatures. Our need to belong is not just a factor of our socialization—it’s encoded in our DNA! As the 17th century poet John Donne wrote so profoundly: “No man is an island / entire of itself.” All of us fall on a continuum of how social we are, depending on how [read more]