A dynamic, brilliant musician or actor exudes self-confidence on stage. A supremely gifted athlete seems innately imbued with confidence. And then we see one of these icons of self-assurance in the tabloids – in an abusive relationship or struggling with addiction. Does this seem paradoxical? Isn’t self-confidence the same thing as self-esteem… so how could [read more]
Passive-Aggression is a Game You Can’t Win
Imagine a ball game in which the primary strategy is to toss a ball to your opponent simply so you can avoid dealing with it. But once you toss it, you need to pretend you never did. “I never tossed that ball. Don’t know where that ball came from. I think it’s your ball.” Shoot [read more]
Choose Your Thoughts—and Kick Self-Sabotaging Behaviors to the Curb
William James, American philosopher and the father of American psychology, once wrote: “The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.” It is no longer a mystery that thought has creative power. Not just in its ability to generate great ideas, but as a manifester of belief, action, truth…in a [read more]
Start with Loving You: New Year’s Love Intentions
When you are born, you learn to love yourself in the mirror of mother. She loves you, you love her. The love reflects, one to the other. For a brief time, you and she are as one. In other words, the love that flows back and forth so effortlessly is indistinguishable from self-love, simply because [read more]