There is no mystery to the fact that women and men are different. They are not identical beings simply packaged differently. In many regards, men and women do things differently, think differently, and communicate differently. For example, women are very comfortable expressing how they feel. Unlike men, women do not feel the need to hide [read more]
Sex: What Time is the Right Time?
Sex. It’s awesome. They say it’s on our minds a LOT. In one way or another, whoever you are… you think about sex. And it’s only reasonable that when you are dating someone, or thinking about dating someone, you would be doing some extra wondering about sex. Mainly — when is the right time to [read more]
Character and Personality—Know the Difference
When Jesse first met Mariah, he was smitten. Who wouldn’t be? Mariah was bright and successful as a large animal vet who worked at a nearby university’s veterinarian school. He said to me once, “I mean she dedicated her life to animals. I thought for sure that meant something!” She seemed to feel as he [read more]
The Love Laboratory: How Past Relationships Can Teach Us
Former partners, past lovers or that main squeeze who got away (or you got away from)—these people can be your teachers now. Whatever happened in the past, assuming you are no longer hurting deeply about it, is like a relationship how-to course, a love laboratory custom designed for you and only you. Think about it. [read more]
Seek CLARITY about You and Your Relationship Goals
Knowing what you don’t want will only take you so far. But how do we shift from thinking in the negative to thinking in the positive—with the confidence to know who we are and what we want out of life? Samuel had been in several not-right relationships. Probably about 5 by the time he was [read more]
The Law of Attraction and Your Ideal Match
You may be one of many who grew up thinking that everyone has a soul mate out there and that a combination of chance and magic will (or won’t) bring together the people who are “meant to be.” Or, you may simply believe that it’s all a crap-shoot and when people find “good” matches, it’s [read more]
Finding Balance in an Introvert-Extrovert Relationship
Jerry—classic introvert. Very tuned in to the internal world of emotions and ideas. Refuels via alone time, whenever he’s exhausted or drained. Able to tune out the world when he’s focused. More at home in small, intimate groups than big blow-out parties. Life is going fine for Jerry, an orthopedic surgeon with a penchant for [read more]
6 Great Reasons to Date an Introvert
Susan Cain’s 2012 book, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking, has gained huge popular acclaim and received attention from everyone from business leaders and psychologists to teachers, university presidents, and political activists. American culture is dominated by the “extrovert ideal” and yet without introverts, where would we be? We [read more]