Rejection is a myth. No-one can make you feel rejected without your permission. Your disappointment stems from your own beliefs about why you were rejected. But there may be no why – and even if there is, the why is not about you but about the other person. What you offer simply does not fit [read more]
Five Steps to Destroy Dating Fear
Fear is a terrible enemy. Fear preys on your mind like a prayer in reverse – the more you dwell on it, the more you create a negative reality. People react to fear by being fearful, and fearful people miss out on… a lot. If your fears – of putting yourself out there, of being [read more]
Dating Advice: How to Avoid the Trap of the Emotionally Unavailable
Have you ever been involved with someone who didn’t seem to be there? A client of mine became involved with a man she could not seem to pin down. He was like a mirage – she could see him, even hear him, but when she would reach out to touch him and grab hold of [read more]
Are You Dating a Selfish Person?
Feeling a little invisible in your relationship? Wondering why your date’s version of give and take has a lot more take than give (which leaves you making up the difference)? Maybe you need to assess how you show up in your relationship, and whether you are looking out for yourself enough. On the other hand, [read more]
The ABCs of Your Dating Code
Why do you need to know your dating code? A code is an internal radar system that helps you navigate the dating waters so you can find a meaningful relationship. You need to know what to look for, and what to look out for. Your code, quite simply, helps you get what you want and [read more]
Over 50 Dating – is Playing the Field for You?
If you are over 50 and dating again, chances are you are discovering a whole new world. It can be overwhelming. Who should I date? Where do I find someone who interests me? How do I make the connection I want and find something meaningful? When is it appropriate to become intimate? To raise your [read more]
5 Great Holiday Dates
The holidays are a great time to either reach out to someone you’ve been wanting to ask out, or to step things up with someone you really like. It’s true, people are busy at this time of year, and spending lots of time with family, but the jolly mood, the time off from work, the [read more]