At one time, in our culture, “going steady” was the term for a commitment to an exclusive relationship without the finality of a marriage contract. Whether you “wore his pin” or “gave her your ring” – usually high school – going steady was a statement. We may not call it that any more, but deciding [read more]
7 Signs Your Relationship Has Reached Its Expiration Date
As unhappy as the topic is, figuring out if your relationship is just in a rough spot or if it’s time to say goodbye is better done now than later. Unlike the milk in your fridge, not all relationships have an expiration date. But if yours does, let me help you find out if it [read more]
Live together or Marry? 21st Century Options
A mere 50 years ago (which isn’t that long, really) everything was very different. There was still a huge stigma on couples who chose to live together “out of wedlock” as it was called, and parents whose children did so white-knuckled the social embarrassment until they could finally send out those wedding announcements. Aside from [read more]
How a Painful Breakup Can Lead to Personal Growth
Don’t kid yourself. Breaking up can be brutally difficult. In many cases, it is akin to losing someone to death. The loss is complete. Ties severed. Someone who once filled your life and heart is now gone. Don’t pretend “it’s okay” when it’s not. Let yourself experience it, in whatever way is right for you. [read more]
Forgiveness—Divine Release
“To err is human; to forgive, divine.” A quotation probably more famous than the man who first said it, English poet Alexander Pope. You may well have not heard of him, but you have probably heard his words. Screwing up (to err, in other words) is human indeed. We are all flawed human beings. In [read more]
How to Fight Lovingly
Not everyone is afraid of a fight, but there are not many who would put “fighting” on the top of their list of fun things. Some people thrive on drama and their relationships are peppered by moments of calm among the arguments. Others fear conflict and try their hardest to avoid arguments altogether. Then there’s [read more]
Are You Dating a Selfish Person?
Feeling a little invisible in your relationship? Wondering why your date’s version of give and take has a lot more take than give (which leaves you making up the difference)? Maybe you need to assess how you show up in your relationship, and whether you are looking out for yourself enough. On the other hand, [read more]
Are You a Career Dater?
How to Get Back on Track to Your Goal of True Love In the 1997 movie Picture Perfect, Kevin Bacon plays the role of the quintessential career dater. He never “finds the one” and instead moves from one conquest or short term relationship to another. In fact, he is only interested in unavailable women. Though [read more]